Pece & Žíhání, nitridace

Nabízíme žíhání a nitridování materiálů ve vlastním provoze:

  • Žíháme těžké konstrukční celky až do 40t váhy. Složité svařované rámy můžeme žíhat na odstranění pnutí při typických teplotách od 500-550°C.
  • Nadrozměrné kusy žíháme ve speciální peci s pojezdem až do 10m délky kusu.
  • Žíháme náročné a složité kusy do 2m délky a chladíme s připojenou chladící sestavou tak, aby jsme odstranili zbytky perlitu z odlitků a to dle dané teplotní křivky.
  • Nitridujeme do 2m délky ve speciální peci s pojezdem, např. částí forem pro tlakové a komorové lití dále náhradní- nejvíce zatěžované částí forem
  • Taktéž jsme schopni nanášet speciální hmotu až do 1100°C, jako ochrana proti opotřebení, zejména určenou pro slévárenské lžíce.
bogie hearth furnace
  • is used for the heat treatment of welded parts up to a width of 3 metres and a depth of 6 metres
  • asymmetric welded constructions should annealed or stress-relieved before machining
  • freshly fired cut sheets can also be stress-relieved
  • we can anneal and subsequently cool down demanding parts; e.g. to remove undesired alloy fractions in castings, or to follow given temperature diagrams
  • the furnace control technology is digital and allows to follow complex temperature profiles
  • a USB hub allows to document, print or send the actual measured values
  • diverse temperature sensors in different positions are calibrated to document temperature differences of 0,2°C

bogie hearth furnace

top-hat furnace
  • is used for the heat treatment of heavy parts up to 40 tons, e.g. mould frames can be interstage annealed or stress-relieved at common temperatures between 500 and 550 °C

top-hat furnace

nitriding furnace
  • is used for nitriding parts with lengths up to 2 metres, e. g. components of casting dies, complete shot sleeves or other wearing parts
  • special coatings can be burned-in up to 1100 °C, e. g. as wear protection of casting ladles
stress-relieve by vibrating
  • is used to stress-relieve extra large parts
  • the process is electrical controlled by measuring the vibration amplitude with a sensor
  • doesn't cause any scale or structural changes
  • is faster and less expensive than heat treatment

stress-relieve by vibrating

walk-in sandblasting system
  • we can sandblast heat treated parts to obtain a clean surface
  • we can sandblast finished welded constructions and complete machines to obtain an even and reactive surface, e. g. before painting
  • we don't sandblast with "sand" but special blasting abrasives
  • the chamber is extra large to sandblast even large parts
  • the chamber is situated as far as possible from our paint shop to avoid any entrapment of blasting abrasives or dust
  • a special compressor unit provides high power compressed air
  • the in-house sandblasting system allows short delivery times for our clients
  • the large sandblasting system is enhanced by several manual blasting equipments for smaller parts

walk-in sandblasting system